

Manfred --
The EU elections shows the power of people.

We want to say a huge thank you for your engagement. These election results show it: we managed to make these European elections about the climate and social justice. For all of us at Tilt who took actions online, went on strike for the climate and reminded family and friends to vote for the climate - our impact shows.
Voter turnout was the highest in the last 20 years of EU elections, with youth vote surging. Young people lead one of the largest global environmental strikes for climate action. Everything that we have achieved together has only been possible thanks to you and the rest of our community.
And we've had game-changing election results.
We rejected hate. Far-right, eurosceptic, nationalist parties did not gain the populist surge they were expecting in these results. We voted for climate action and social justice, with the 'Greens wave' surging across Western Europe.
This all happened because we came together to Vote For Climate.
This election is only the start of our movement. Tilt started 8 months ago by people passionate to push for climate action, social justice and rule of law in Europe. We want to thank you for helping us achieve so much in such a short amount of time. From banning single-use plastics and lowering CO2 emissions in cars and trucks.
But there is still so much work to be done.
As a result of this election, a great many of the elected politicians in Europe are prioritising climate change and inequality. In the next few months, the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and EU countries will be deciding who the new EU Commissioners will be.
MEPs will take their seats to vote on Europe's future. We'll be here to hold them accountable on their promises for a better, more responsible, fairer Europe, ready to ensure a more sustainable future for all Europeans.
Thanks again for your support!
Carrie, Joline, Greg, Fernando & Thorgny / Tilt!

Tilt – The ChangeMaking Network · 31 Rue Wiertz, Brussels 1050, Belgium
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