
We need you to tell the European Parliament to vote this CAP down.
Tilt – The ChangeMaking Network · 31 Rue Wiertz,

 As it stands now, this European farming policy still promotes intensive and industrial-scale animal agriculture. This is not what the European citizens were asking for, neither is this what farmers need.


Dear Manfred,


Last week negotiators struck a deal on the European agricultural policy (CAP) for the next six years. And to be honest, we are shocked by the outcome. 


In 2019 Europe voted for green change and Ursula von der Leyen, the new president of the European Commission spoke big words about a European Green Deal. But now she is just agreeing to a completely outdated European farming policy.


We need you to tell the European Parliament to vote this CAP down.

As it stands now, this European farming policy still promotes intensive and industrial-scale animal agriculture. It will incentivise farmers to use synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, locking in biodiversity loss and soil degradation.


It will fill the pockets of multinationals and big land owners while putting small-scale farmers and farming families aside.


This is not what the European citizens were asking for, neither is this what farmers need. If we want to prevent climate change and save our biodiversity, if we want to see farming communities thrive and support sustainable farming livelihoods, we need root and branch reform, or we face another decade of broken agriculture policies, driven by a dangerous CAP.


And we are close: more and more politicians are uneasy with how things are going.  Only by working together will we have a chance of stopping this deal. 

Thank you for your support ,


Fernando, Rachel, Nele and Teo from the Tilt team


Tilt – The ChangeMaking Network · 34 Rue Taciturne, Brussels 1000, Belgium


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