Hi Manfred, Coca-Cola has just released its new global plan for dealing with plastic pollution - and there's good news and bad news. Most significantly, this global drinks giant has admitted that ocean plastic pollution is a problem - and that they need to take action to stop choking our oceans. This is huge - and it's thanks to you, and hundreds of thousands of people like you, who signed petitions, sent emails, shared videos and posted on social media to tell Coke that their polluting ways are unacceptable. Your actions have also helped make Coke come out in support of deposit return schemes in the UK, launch a refill trial at the University of Reading and announce that they'll be increasing the amount of recycled content in their bottles worldwide. But despite these steps in the right direction, Coke still have a long way to go. In order to stop the flow of plastic into our oceans, corporations like Coca-Cola need to stop churning out billions more plastic bottles every year. Thank you for joining over half a million people around the world to tell Coke that, as the biggest soft drinks producer in the world, they should be leading the way on innovating reusable alternatives, instead of relying on polluting single-use plastic. Coke's new policy is far from perfect - but what it does show is that people power works. The fight against plastic pollution isn't over yet, but getting massive global corporations like Coca-Cola to acknowledge the root of the problem is a huge first step. Stay tuned for next steps in the campaign - together we can show companies like Coke that ditching single use plastics is the only way forward to protect our precious oceans. Thanks for all you do, Alice | We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, you can make a regular donate Thank you! If you no longer want to be in the loop with the latest news from these emails, we'll be really sad, but you can unsubscribe here. We have recently updated our Privacy Policy. Please refer to this for additional information on how we use your information, and how you can opt out. Greenpeace Ltd, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN (registered in London no 1314381, VAT registration no 625951426) This email was sent to: paukstadt@selentia.de |