
Magnus Carlsen Wins Dramatic Game 6 In Sochi World Championship

On Saturday Magnus Carlsen won a dramatic sixth game at the world championship match in Sochi, Russia. In a better ending he blundered Mit 26...Sxe5 hätte er Gewinnstellung erhalten., but Viswanathan Anand did not see it.
The score is 3.5-2.5; game six will be played on Monday at 3 p.m. Sochi time (noon GMT, 7 a.m. EST).
26...a4? A tempo gespielt. Aber Anand übersieht einen taktischen Trick. 26...Sxe5 27.Tf4 (27.Txg8 Sxc4+ 28.Kd3 Sb2+ 29.Ke2 Txg8 30.g3 Lb5+ 31.Kf3 Sd3 Schwarz hat zwei Bauern gewonnen.) 27...f5-+ 27.Ke2 Nun ist die Chance vorbei, da der Springer auf c4 nicht merh mit Schach zwischennimmt. Der weiße König soll am Angriff am Königsflügel teilnehmen.

@P_G_M "Lets all enjoy the tortuture that Anand suffered today when he realizes that he just falled into another Carlsen's coffee club trick on the video link provided below, ..."
I see nothing enjoyable at all in oversights on both sides. Essentially this has spoilt a very interesting game. And you can bet that it was anything but a coffeehouse trick from Magnus to play Kd2 instead of Kd1 or whatever.
Trying to understand both blunders, it looks most appropriate to me, that both players regarded the status on the kingside and in the center as settled for the moment. White tried to enforce his pressure by small efficient regrouping moves, while black was seeking counterplay on the a- and d-file. After checking many variations move by move since a while, both simply disregarded an important detail of the actual position for a short moment, while following plans they had thought of since some time. It was the same with Vishy as with Magnus: Vishy was completely absorbed by his concentraion on the a file, while Magnus wanted to move his king to the kingside.
Of course you can always be relaxed and smart watching the game, but I think it is unfair towards both to disregard understandable reasons, why this can happen, although it never should occur at that level. It was easy to spot for Kramnik in the comment room, but when he fell to a computer mate in one some time ago, it was probably a similar thing. It's the "shit happens" kind of thing. It's human. vor 38 Minuten