
Магнус Карлсен почтил в Ереване память Тиграна Петросяна, обыграл 12 юных шахматистов и уступил депутату


obygral 12 yunykh shakhmatistov i ustupil deputatu
Ponedel'nik, 23.06.2014 02:45

Posle blestyashchego vystupleniya na chempionatakh mira po bystrym shakhmatam i blitsu v Dubaye teper' uzhe "troynoy" chempion planety Magnus Karlsen poseshchayet Armeniyu s trekhdnevnym vizitom.

V chisle pervykh meropriyatiy, norvezhets pochtil pamyat' devyatogo chempiona mira Tigrana Vartanovicha Petrosyana i dal seans odnovremennoy igry dvenadtsati yunym sopernikam iz Akademii shakhmat Armenii. Po slovam direktora Akademii grossmeystera Smbata Lputyana, Karlsenu protivostoyali vse sil'neyshiye vospitanniki. No Magnus vso zhe spravilsya s trudnostyami, vyigrav vse partii.

UPD. Sport.news.am soobshchayet o porazhenii Karlsena v molniyenosnom poyedinke s deputatom parlamenta Armenii Tachatom Vardapetyanom, a takzhe publikuyet video drugoy partii, v kotoroy norvezhets imel na vso pro vso neskol'ko sekund, no uspel postavit' mat.
beat 12 young players and lost the deputyMonday, 6/23/2014 2:45After a brilliant performance at the world championships in rapid chess and blitz in Dubai now "triple" champion Magnus Carlsen planet visited Armenia three-day visit.Among the first activities, Norwegian commemorated the ninth world champion Tigran Petrosian and gave Vartanovich simul twelve young opponents of the Chess Academy of Armenia. According to the director of the Academy of grandmaster Smbat Lputyan, Carlsen resisted all the strongest students. But Magnus yet coped with difficulties, winning all games.UPD. Sport.news.am reports Carlsen defeat in a lightning match with a member of parliament of Armenia Tachat Vardapetyanom and publishes video of another party, in which the Norwegian was all about all a few seconds, but managed to checkmate.