I also wrote a couple articles about older players and if they can (or can’t) reach master level. The answer is YES, they can reach master but only if they work very, very hard (kind of true about anything).
Anyway, keep in mind that chess is about having fun, and rating isn’t
that important. However, if you want that kind of goal do it bit by
If you are 1700, your goal should be 1800, then 1900, etc. Also, many
players (in their youth) were very good at tactics but as they age
their tactical vision isn’t what it was. If that’s a problem for you,
try to master positional things, endgames, and also create an opening
repertoire that really excites you at least 100 rating points ahead of
you (and fits in with your strengths).
After that, try and play people (30 minute games or much longer
games...blitz is really fun but it won’t help you make expert or
Again, making expert or master is a very real goal. After that the sky is the limit.
Good luck!
Ist im Fernschach jedenfalls leichter von 1400 auf 2100 zu kommen . :-)